Community Conversations
Over the past couple of years, PCEC has hosted more than a dozen discussions featuring community planning topics from healthy communities, to traditional neighborhoods, fundamentals of comprehensive planning, conservation easements and more.
You can watch each of our recent community conversations on our YouTube channel.
Stay tuned over the coming weeks and months as we keep our conversations going. We’ve found the virtual platform handy for hosting hour-long conversations during the lunch hour. So grab your lunch, turn on Zoom and join us!
Our goal is to create a shared understanding of the tools we have to make the change we want to see for our community, so we are all more knowledgeable and effective advocates for this place.
Records of past conversations:
Nov. 12: Livingston Growth Policy Discussion (Featuring Randy Carpenter, of Future West, and Jennifer Madgic)
Dec. 3: Strong Towns: Planning for a More Prosperous Future (Featuring John Reuter from Strong Towns)
Dec. 16: Local Planning Update (Featuring Mike Inman, Park County Planning Director, and Mathieu Menard, Livingston City Planner)
Jan. 13: County Planning Tools (Featuring Mike Inman, Park County Planning Director, and Jen Madgic, former Gallatin County Planning Director)
Jan. 27: Yellowstone River Recreation Study (Featuring Jeff Reed, of Reed Fly Farms, and Whitney Tilt, of Conservation Benchmarks)
Feb. 3: Building a Walkable & Bikeable Community (Featuring Joe Gilpin of Alta Planning)
Feb. 10: Park County Climate Solutions (Featuring Cathy Whitlock, of Montana State University; Bruce Maxwell, of Montana State University; Mark Haggerty, of Headwaters Economics; and Paul Lachapelle, of Montana State University)
Feb. 24: Housing issues in Park County (Featuring Tracy Menuez and Lila Fleishman, of HRDC)
March 15: Legislative Session Update (Featuring Anne Hedges, of MEIC)
March 24: Downtown Livingston (Featuring Dan Burden, of BlueZones)
April 21: Talking Stormwater (Featuring Shannon Holmes, of the City of Livingston)
April 28: Livingston Growth Policy Update (Featuring Mathieu Menard, of the City of Livingston)
May 5: Livingston’s Native Bees and How to Protect Them (Featuring Clay Bolt, of World Wildlife Fund)
May 19: PCEC vs. DEQ (Featuring Jenny Harbine, of Earthjustice)
June 23: Understanding Conditional Use Permits (Featuring Val Sutton, Nicole Olmstead and Jen Madgic)
July 7: Bozeman Pass Zoning District: A Case Study (Featuring Scott McMillion, Jennifer Read, Nona Chambers, Sean O’Callaghan, Katherine Daly)
September 13: The Benefits of Neighborhood Plans (Featuring Jen Madgic, Lynn Chan and Chris Naumann)
September 29: RiverNET and Yellowstone River Monitoring (Featuring Bob Crabtree and Tory Dille)
October 8: Conflict Mitigation: What You Need To Know (Featuring Bill Berg, John Heidke and Mike Inman)
Nov. 3: Local Artists and Conservation (Featuring Tom Murphy, Parks Reece, Louise Johns and Edd Enders)
Nov. 17: Park County Housing Action Plan (Featuring Lila Fleishman and Tracy Menuez)
Dec. 1: Community Land Trusts (Featuring Hermina Harold and Austin Wallis)
Dec. 8: Short-Term Rentals (Featuring Lila Fleishman, Ben Davis, and Mathieu Menard)
Jan. 19: Yellowstone River Recreation Study 2021 (Featuring Whitney Tilt and Jeff Reed)
Feb. 2: What’s Happening with Yellowstone’s Wolves? (Featuring Nathan Varley, Ashea Mills and Jeremy SunderRaj)
Photo by Erik Petersen Photography