Planting 1000 beautiful, hardy trees in Livingston's public spaces to enhance the diversity and equity of our community forest
Livingston cherishes its trees, with nearly 4,000 adorning boulevards and public spaces, providing beauty, summer shade, wildlife habitat, and refuge from the notorious winds. Despite this defining characteristic, many residents lack the well-documented human health, environmental, and economic benefits of trees. The task of maintaining a healthy community forest has become more challenging, particularly with the threat posed to half of Livingston's trees—Ash trees—by the emerald ash borer, invasive beetles responsible for the loss of millions of ash trees nationwide.
In response, PCEC initiated Livingston Loves Trees in 2021 to enhance equity, diversity, and overall resilience in our community forest. Collaborating with dedicated community volunteers, local landscaping businesses, and generous donors, we set an ambitious goal to plant 1,000 new tree species over the next decade. Through our dedicated 'Tree Fund,' we raise funds to purchase, plant, and care for trees in Livingston's boulevards, public spaces, and front yards, ensuring enjoyment for everyone. In return, Livingston residents commit to "adopting" a tree, following a watering and care schedule for optimal survival. In 2022, our trees achieved an impressive 98% survival rate.
In the first two seasons, we've planted over 167 trees, featuring diverse varieties such as oaks, elms, maples, lindens, honey locusts, flowering crabapples, Japanese lilacs, and more. These trees are nurtured by over 150 households across Livingston... and counting!
To contribute to PCEC's mission of cultivating a more resilient community forest, there are several ways you can help:
“plant it forward” by donating to the Tree fund
Searching for the perfect gift that will last for generations? Why not show your appreciation for someone by donating a tree on their behalf? For between $750- $1000 you can ‘Plant it Forward’ and pay for a tree to be planted in our community. The Tree Fund is a dedicated account at PCEC, utilized solely for purchasing, planting, and caring for new trees.
Adopt a tree
Have an empty spot on your boulevard, front yard or in a public space in your neighborhood that could use a tree? If you agree to water and care for it, PCEC will plant a large ball and burlap Livingston-hardy deciduous tree for you for free – approximately a $750 value, with cost of planting. Maples, hawthorns, bur oaks, lindens, honey locusts, flowering crabapples and more are given away on a first-come, first serve basis, so apply early to be considered for the upcoming planting season.
Join the tree team
If you're eager to actively contribute, Livingston Loves Trees relies on passionate community volunteers. Join the Tree Team today and get your hands dirty for a greener tomorrow!