L-Town Soup is a community micro-granting dinner where local groups pitch project ideas and attendees vote on the winning pitch.

In 2025, we are excited to relaunch this initiative, March 12th at the Shane Ballroom 5:30-8:30pm. Presentations start at 6:00, awards given around 7:30-8:00. You can join us in this fun and impactful community effort, by pitching a project or purchasing a ticket to support local initiatives! 

Attendees are encouraged to donate a minimum of $20 ($10 for children) to enjoy soup, rolls, refreshments, and the opportunity to vote for their favorite project pitch. 

Through the generosity of our supporters, we aim to raise $4,000 for project awards, which will be doubled through a matching gift from our partner AMB West Community Fund, resulting in a total of $8,000 for project winners! Donate to the matching fund below!

Beyond providing grassroots funding, L-Town Soup fosters a spirit of collaboration and community! 

SOUP is not about pushing a brand, a trend, an issue, a product, or a business strategy. SOUP is not a topical event where we sit in circles of like-minded individuals who want just art, or ranching, or conservation, or technology, or small businesses to succeed. It is convening all of these previously siloed people together and having a conversation about what matters.  -Why and How to Soup

Evening Schedule on March 12th

  • 3:00 to 5:30 - presenters set up tables in project gallery at the Shane

  • 5:30 - doors open to audience 

  • 6:00 - 7:00 project pitches

  • 7:30 - audience voting closes

  • 7:45 - award giving and photos 

  • 8:30 - event ends/cleanup.

More about Soup

L-Town Soup celebrates and supports innovative community led projects across Park County. Under PCEC’s Thriving Communities program, this initiative educates, engages, and empowers residents by fostering creativity, collaboration, and philanthropy. 

Anyone can apply for funding as part of L-Town Soup. It is the simplicity and inviting nature of this platform that makes it unique. Any individual or group with an idea can develop a concept, pitch it at the event and receive the recognition and support. 

It is a democratic process, wherein the community votes for the project that possesses the most merit. This allows any group, regardless of background, gender or ethnicity to apply and participate. The requirement that no technology can be used in the presentation opens the field to any income or age level.

These five-minute presentations, delivered without the use of technology, can showcase ideas as far ranging as art installations, urban agriculture, social entrepreneurship, environmental stewardship and more. The evening culminates with the audience voting on their favorite project. The “winning project” receives funds raised from the soup sales, which is matched by our community partner AMB West Community Fund. Like in previous years, support from AMB West Community Fund has effectively doubled the award amount, amplifying the impact on winning projects.

In 2019, L-Town Soup reached capacity at Pine Creek Café, with over 100 attendees. Past winners from 2017 to 2019 have included new cross-country skis for the Gardiner School, recycling programs at Shields Valley High School and Park High School and a tool-lending program at the Livingston-Park County Public Library.

At PCEC, we are proud to partner with Soundcolor Studios and AMB West Community Fund after hosting successful soups in  2017-2019. Now, we are excited to relaunch this initiative in 2025, and extend our gratitude to both our previous and new partners, Neptunes Brewery and The Shane Center.

One of our goals is to bring conservation groups and other community partners in Park County together to develop a shared sense of place and belonging within Livingston and the  surrounding communities. PCEC takes a leading role in building these partnerships, developing relationships, and offering mentorship opportunities, benefitting both the health and wellbeing of individuals and the environment. Initiatives like the L-town Soup build and support a more engaged and collaborative community.

Anticipated Outcomes:

  • Strengthened community bonds and partnerships through shared experiences and collaborative efforts.

  • Increased confidence and public speaking skills for youth and other presenters.

  • Grassroots projects are more developed, unlocking additional funding and support opportunities. 

  • Broader awareness of local initiatives and common values that address environmental, social, and economic challenges.

  • A stronger culture of community-driven philanthropy and innovation.