Apply for a Livingston board seat today!

Our community is only as strong as those who show up, and right now, there are a few opportunities to become more involved in crafting our community’s future.

The City of Livingston is currently recruiting volunteers to serve on a few of its boards:

City Planning Board:  two seats, designed for non land-owning citizens.

The City Planning Board helps develop the Growth Policy, as well as propose policies that help regulate growth in our community, including subdivision plats and development of public ways and services.

City Tree Board: two open seats, one citizen, one youth member.

The Tree Board's mission is to study, investigate, counsel, develop and administer a written plan for the care, preservation, pruning, planting, replanting, removal, or disposition of trees and shrubs in parks, along streets, and in other public areas. Lately, this has been especially relevant because of the increasing threat of the Emerald Ash Borer.

City Conservation Board: two open seats, one citizen, one youth member.

The Conservation Board is currently tasked with creating a city-wide Climate Action Plan. The board's mission is to identify opportunities for the City of Livingston to reduce costs and promote sustainable growth by implementing energy-efficient equipment, procedures, or systems and incorporate renewable energy as feasible. 

Youth members can earn service credit hours toward graduation.

More info is available at:

The application is available online. Applications are due September 13 at 5 p.m.

At PCEC, we can’t be everywhere all the time, so we rely on our outstanding community volunteers to be strong voices for conservation in our community. There’s no better way to do that than signing up to be a community volunteer on one of our many local government boards, which help advise the city commission on some of the more challenging issues we face.

Please consider applying today!


Community Conversation

Another way to get involved is by attending our Community Conversation series, which focus on tools that our community can use to help build a stronger community and better future.

On Wednesday, September 1, we will be hosting a conversation about Neighborhood Planning. Join us to learn more about Neighborhood Plans and how they can help add greater specificity and predictability to the community planning process.

Register today!

PCEC has been helping the community of Gardiner develop its own neighborhood plan and we’ll hear how the process has worked and the benefits the community expects to gain. We’ll also provide an update on Livingston’s downtown planning efforts and learn how downtown planning has helped other Montana cities.

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