PCEC's 2021 Annual Report and Summer 2022 Newsletter

We are extremely proud to share PCEC’s 2021 Annual Report and Summer 2022 Newsletter with you.

It took a little longer to produce this year, after much of our program work was set aside so our staff could help with flood response in June and July.

This 20-page magazine will help you understand the most pressing issues facing our community, as well as what PCEC is working on each day to help safeguard the land, water, wildlife and people of Park County.

You can read the full report here.

We mailed out hard copies to members recently. If you are not a member and would like to become one, all it takes is a donation of $50 (or any amount you can give). Or better yet, join PCEC 365, where you’ll be invited to two special PCEC 365 events – an annual summer hike and a winter cross country ski. And you will receive a Tom Murphy calendar in December!

PCEC’s work benefits the entire community, but we cannot do the work we do without the support from our membership. When you become a member, or sustain your membership, you give all of us at PCEC much needed support. Our membership is our voice for important local issues. Our members are the eyes and ears of this community. We work together, in unity and in community.

Donate today!

Join PCEC 365 today!

We encourage you to become a member today. We thank all of you who are now and have been members of PCEC.

Don't forget you can keep up with our work by reading our stories section of our website: https://www.pcecmt.org/stories or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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