PSA: Please water your trees!

I'm writing today with a friendly reminder that your trees might need a little bit of water. The temperature is supposed to reach 100 degrees tomorrow, and many trees around town are looking like they need some water.

Many young tree needs 20-30 gallons of water 3 times a week. 

A few more of Tom's Tips on watering

  • Keep this watering schedule up until October, or whenever it loses its leaves and goes dormant. 

  • Develop a system so your tree gets the water it needs without wasting water. One tip is using a five gallon bucket. Buckets are precise, but they can be heavy. If you fill a bucket right next to your tree, you can slowly tip it over and water the tree. Another suggestion is to set your hose to a trickle and use a bucket to see how long it takes to fill. Once you have an approximate time, you can put the hose on your tree, set it to the same trickle, and leave it on to deep water your tree. 

  • Make sure your tree has a couple of days to dry out between waterings.

  • During the first year, water it three times a week. During years two, three, and four they need watering twice a week. From year five on, water your tree weekly just to make sure it’s getting a good drink during the hot summer months.

Thanks again for adopting a tree and improving our community for future generations. Want to adopt a tree? Head to our website at

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