Support PCEC through Give-a-Hoot today!

Do you Give-a-Hoot about the environment and our way of life in Park County? Join us for the monthly giving challenge that makes a lasting impact!

We plan on highlighting all the work and projects PCEC does locally throughout the month. To kick things off, we’d like to speak to you about why PCEC matters and is worthy of your support.

PCEC works with our community to protect our land, water, and wildlife from ill-conceived developments that threaten Park County’s wild habitat. As Colin Davis stated during the Yellowstone Gateway Mine Campaign, “PCEC walks the fence at night, so we don’t have to.”

With our 100% local staff, we are unique as one of the only community-based environmental advocacy organizations in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. We collaborate with diverse individuals and organizations, while building state and national partnerships to provide resources and expertise to tackle issues in Yellowstone’s Northern Gateway.

We work on community planning. We believe that in order to safeguard the environment, we must not just be reactive, but proactive in guiding the human footprint and development. We recently helped defeat Referendum 1, keeping our county growth policy in place, which allows for us to proactively plan for the future. 

We engage and support new leaders advocating for a clean and healthy environment. Beyond lending support, we mentor local leaders, young and old, empowering their voices on pressing issues like climate change.

With over 30 years of experience in Park County we have built deep connections, gained trust, and know our way around. When something comes up, people know to call us, and we know who to call for answers.

PCEC is YOUR community conservation group. We are proud that 50% of our funding comes from community philanthropy — from supporters like you.

Your support of PCEC is a deep investment in our home. With the support and participation of citizens like you, we can work together to preserve this special place — one of the few remaining intact wild ecosystems in the lower 48.

This isn't just a day job for our small but passionate staff: this is our home, our way of life, and our mission to protect it with the community's support.

Erica Lighthiser