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Community Conversation: Yellowstone River Recreation Study
12:00 PM12:00

Community Conversation: Yellowstone River Recreation Study

Over the summer of 2020 PCEC assisted the Upper Yellowstone watershed Group (UYWG) and Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks (FWP) and the Institute for Tourism and Recreational Research at University of Montana (ITRR) in conducting a use and user survey of recreational use on the Yellowstone River.

The 2020 field work incorporated a user survey and user counts to begin building baseline data on river use (who, what, where) and pressure (to what extent). The project will continue into 2021 and 2022. Learn more about the project here:

An essential component of the project design aims to keep river stakeholders, private landowners and the general public fully informed of the findings and incorporating their perspectives into the project design and conduct. We encourage all who are interested in the findings from last summer to join us; additionally, we welcome any insight or feedback to the project as we prepare for the summer 2021 work.

The presentation will be given by Whitney Tilt, with Conservation Benchmarks, and Jeff Reed, of Reed Fly Farm, who both were actively involved with the project through the UYWG. They will discuss data collection methods, an analysis of the data and what it tells us about summer river use and the plans for data collection in 2021.

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Community Conversation: Active Transportation
11:00 AM11:00

Community Conversation: Active Transportation

Save the date for this important conversation on active transportation which literally refers to active rather than passive transportation (the kind of transport that requires an automobile!)

As our City gears up to develop our own Active Transportation and Trail Plan, we are bringing national and local expertise to better inform interested parties and assist us in the public process.

Our featured speaker is Joe Gilpin from Alta Planning and Design, experts in pedestrian and bicyclist planning.

Joe leads Alta’s engineering practice including leadership and quality control of bikeway and complete streets projects nationwide and provides urban and rural technical trainings nationwide for bicycle and pedestrian facility design. Managing projects in the Rocky Mountain States (including Utah, Colorado, Montana, and Idaho) Joe is an expert in bicycle facility design and has worked both as a project designer and as a planner analyzing network connectivity and corridor planning. Joe was also the project manager for the first two editions of the NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide, a pioneering document that provides the first detailed design guidance for protected bikeways in North America.


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