A Mother's Day message from our Executive Director


Happy Mother's Day!

The Uberuaga Zanoni Family

The Uberuaga Zanoni Family

For me, Mother’s Day is a celebration of life, kinship and our shared responsibility to care for one another and the future. Whether by nurture or nature, I’ve heard mother’s love called the big love, the fiercest love, agape, hard love . . . 

That’s the kind of love that just might save the world one day. 

With motherhood comes responsibility, and even though I am not the worrying type, it’s hard not to worry when your heart walks around outside of your body. I don't fret over whether my child will fall out of the tree in the backyard, crash her bike, or shoot her eye out with a BB gun.

I am worried about the future she will inherit. From my choices and yours. 

We all have a shared responsibility to care for wild things - whether that’s children, your garden, grizzly bear cubs, bison nuggets (just don’t take them home), the wild and free river that sustains us all, the butterflies and bees, the ground beneath our feet.

During this global pandemic, we are watching the world around us change. So many people, young and old, are suffering right now. 

Will you join me and embrace the fierce love?

Let’s work to make the best choices every day to ensure the next generation inherits something better. A world where clean air and clean water are fundamental rights, where we safeguard as sacred wild places, to let our minds wander, learn and create, and to let other species thrive.  

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms -- wild moms, foster moms, mothers-in-love, grandmas, aunties, tias, god mamas, dog mamas, those who lost their moms, those who’ve lost a child, and mother of us all - mother earth. 

Before I let you go, I have some good news to share. Because we all could use a bit more good news these days. Am I right?

I'll be celebrating Mother's Day this year by welcoming a new baby into our community and the PCEC family. Baby Uberuaga Zanoni is due on May 15th. We are waiting patiently to meet the little one and everyone is happy and healthy.

I'll be working less through the summer, but not going anywhere. I am planning to take time to hike all the trails, social distance connect outside, and recharge my battery. I am more committed than ever to help our community build resiliency through this pandemic to ensure that we come out on the other side ready for whatever challenges our next chapter brings.

I can't imagine a more worthy way to spend my time than working together for this place, this community and all the wild things.

Thank you for all you do,


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