Have a vision for the gateways into Livingston? Share it on Monday!
Here’s an opportunity to help create a vision for the gateways into Livingston!
What is a gateway?
The gateways are the three interstate exits around Livingston that function as an entrance and exit corridor to town. Community gateways can be landscaped signs or installations along the roadways that announce to visitors that they are entering a community. They can reflect and define a community's character.
The 2021 Growth Policy has a map of the Gateway Overlay Zones at Exhibit 3.2.
Do you have thoughts on the future of Livingston's gateways? In recent years, there have been a lot of changes in the areas near the interstate exits and the city is considering creating new standards to ensure these entrances are beautiful, safe, and inviting.
On Monday, February 26th the City of Livingston and Crescendo Consulting will be hosting a Gateways Visioning Workshop at the Shane Center from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. We hope you can attend and share your ideas for enhancing the entrances to our community.
During public planning processes and meetings, the community has repeatedly requested improvements to Livingston's gateway Overlay Zones.
For example, these suggestions are detailed in Livingston's Growth Policy:
Goal 2.1: Preserve and enhance Livingston’s unique community character.
Objective 2.1.1: Establish community gateways to indicate entrances into Livingston and celebrate its character.
Strategy Identify key roadway and non-motorized entry points – or Gateways – into Livingston.
Strategy Review, update, and enforce the policies, procedures, and building design guidelines in Livingston’s gateways.
Strategy Explore adopting design overlay zones in gateways.
Strategy Develop effective wayfinding signage for locals and tourists to easily find destinations, trails and parks, and parking within and nearby gateways.
Strategy Consider adding requirements for trees into Gateway overlay zoning.
And here are more mentions of gateways in Livingston's Trails and Active Transportation Plan.
"The gateway to Livingston off of US Highway 89 and I-90 on the southwest side of the City generally lacks design treatments to suggest it is a key gateway to the City and Yellowstone National Park. There is a great amount of visual clutter from highway signs, utilities, and other roadway infrastructure. The effects of this are amplified for people walking and bicycling, as they are subject not only to these visual detractors, but also noise and emissions."
Gateways are the front door to Livingston and an important land use and engineering decision. We will be encouraging design that enhances visual appeal, safety, and communicates our unique community character. Things like native species, trees, public art, signs pointing visitors downtown. We also want to encourage safer pedestrian infrastructure so that everyone feels welcome into our community.
We're looking forward to hearing your ideas. Hope to see you on Monday.
An example of one of our entrances into Livingston coming into town from the south on HWY 89