Indigenous People's Day

November is American Indian Heritage Month

“To love a place is not enough. We must find ways to heal it.” - Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants.

Park County has a long tradition of human habitation, of people who loved, cherished and stewarded this place. Today we reside on the traditional homeland and current home to many indigenous people, including:

Do you know the name of the original inhabitants of the land where you reside? The website is a great resource. 

At PCEC, we are committed to working together, to honor the human legacy of this place and the land under our feet, now and for future generations. We invite you to participate in honoring American Indian Heritage Month this November, and Indigenous People’s Day, this October 11th, with our community. 

Join us in honoring Indigenous Peoples' Day -- October 11th

On November 17, 2020, our community took an important step and Livingston replaced Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples' Day. With the organization Indigenous Peoples' Day Montana guiding the way, Livingston joined other Montana cities such as Missoula, Bozeman, Helena, Hays and Harlem that have taken this small, but important, step. 

The organization, IllumiNative, states in their Advocates Guide to Supporting Indigenous Peoples' Day, “The day is meant to give Native people, especially youth, and non-Native people opportunities to see Indigenous cultures represented accurately, as resilient, contemporary peoples. This stands in stark contrast to the generally limiting available representations of Native peoples."   

And while we may call it Indigenous Peoples’ Day, this day is celebrated internationally, what is known as Dia del la Raza in South America, and National Heritage Day in South Africa, amongst others.

Please consider joining us in this global phenomenon. This is a great time to reflect and support Indigenous People and Organizations. We believe that it is critical to our work for the land, water, and wild, to honor our human history and cultures. Join us this November, to engage, listen, participate, learn more and celebrate all Indigenous People in Montana, the US, and around the world. 

Teepee's on Pete's Hill in Bozeman, MT

Photo courtesy Addi Jadin

Join Indigenous Peoples' Day Events:

Lighting of the Teepees: Illuminating Indigenous Peoples' Day

Mountain Time Arts erected seven teepees on Pete's Hill in Bozeman to honor the contributions of American Indians to our community, economy, rich culture and history. This dramatic display has nightly lighting ceremonies at dusk from October 8 - 17, 2021. If you are inspired to support this project, please give HERE today. 

Western Native Voice

Join Western Native Voice for a virtual 10th Anniversary Celebration on October 11, 2021, at 6 pm. Meet the original board members of Western Native Voice, meet the current board and staff, listen to great music, and more! The event will be on Zoom and broadcast live on Facebook. You can also preregister and be eligible for prizes, register HERE

Donate to and Support Local Organizations: 

Indigenous Peoples' Day Montana

Western Native Voice

MT Racial Equity Project

Mountain Time Arts

Absarokee Community Foundation

Indian Education for All

First Nations Development Institute 


Yellowstone Gateway Museum Native Cultures Room 

Fort Parker: The Ft. Parker Indian Agency was established to relocate the Crow and to force their transition from a traditional buffalo hunting lifestyle to a sedentary ranching and farming way of life. Located a few miles east of Livingston. 

Native American Battlefields and tips on visiting the battlefields


Yellowstone NP: BBC Unnatural Histories  

In the Spirit of ʔAtatíc̓eʔ: The Untold Story of the National Bison Range

Yellowstone Gateway Museum Montana Native People: Perspectives on the Clovis Child


Becoming Wild Again in America: The Restoration and Resurgence of the Pablo-Allard Bison Herd

All My Relations

In Our Power

This Land 

The Red Nation 


Find Resources in the Advocates Guide to Supporting Indigenous Peoples' Day

  • Braiding Sweetgrass- Robin Wall Kimmerer

  • The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee: Native America from 1890 to the Present- David Treuer

  • Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee - Dee Brown

  • An Indigenous Peoples' History of the US - Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

  • The Heart Of Everything That Is: The Untold Story of Red Cloud, An American Legend - Bob Drury

  • Fools Crow and Killing Custer - James Welch

  • The Earth Shall Weep - A History of Native America - James Wilson

  • From the Heart of Crow Country - Joseph Medicine Crow

In Community,


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