Introducing the Paradise Pledge...

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We're excited to announce the Paradise Pledge, our new educational campaign to promote responsible recreation.

The Paradise Pledge is meant to be a “handshake agreement” acknowledging respectful outdoor practices that for some of us are second nature, but for many new to the area, or just visiting, might not be so obvious.

As we see more and more people visit Park County, we felt it was important to raise awareness about how to interact with the trails, rivers, and landscape all around us. We have heard from many in the community of the need to create more awareness around responsible outdoor recreation, and we felt this was a good way to start getting the word out.

Leave No Trace. Clean. Dry. Drain. Be Bear Aware. Recreate Responsibly. We pulled all of these best practices and resources together to create a pledge that is tailored to our unique community, environment, and recreational opportunities. The Paradise Pledge was created by PCEC staff, with input from stakeholders across Park County, with assistance from the National Parks Conservation Association.

Look for our brochures at tourism organizations, lodging, recreation, and other businesses across the county.

If your business or organization would like to be included on the Paradise Pledge website as a supporter, or would like to have brochures available in your storefront, please let us know.  

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