Join us for the historic climate trial in Helena next week!
Next week, PCEC members and the Park High Green Initiative will be in Helena for Held v. State of Montana – a constitutional climate lawsuit brought by 16 Montana youth against their State to protect their equal rights to a healthy environment, life, dignity, and freedom. They are suing because their government is continuing to promote and support fossil fuel extraction and burning, which is worsening the climate crisis and harming these youths’ lives.
This is the first-ever constitutional climate trail in the U.S. – led by Montana youth. We are excited, nervous and so proud for these 16 young people – including 17-year-old Livingston resident Eva!
Here are three ways that you can be a part of this historic moment:
1. Join us in Helena!
PCEC and the Green Initiative are sponsoring the first two days of the trial!
Join us in Helena, on Monday, June 12th at 8:15 am as we greet & cheer for the youth plaintiffs and their attorneys as they enter the courthouse for the first time - a monumental and historic event. Space in the courthouse is extremely limited, so we’ll be watching the daily court proceedings via a livestream with other partners at the Myrna Loy Theatre.
Throughout the event there will be speaking events, art builds, and general comradery throughout the day. Our goal -- let's show the youth plaintiffs, and the world, that we are standing together to protect our home!
On Monday, June 12th after the proceedings, join PCEC and the Green Initiative for a community gathering at Pioneer Park from 5:30-6:30 pm. There, we will meet some of the plaintiffs and let them know we are there to support the collective power of young people. We will be hearing personal stories from youth and why this trial matters to them.
Tuesday, June 13th will look very similar, but keep an eye out for our matching attire painted (jean) battle jackets! Our support is boundless!
2. Watch the trial from home and share your support!
More info from Our Children’s Trust and a link to stream the trial from home! Here:
Our Children's Trust will share a link for the livestream as soon as it is made available.
Elevate our voices on social media: Stay tuned to PCEC’s and the Green Initiative's social media, on Instagram @phsgreeninitiative and @parkcountyenvironmentalcouncil for updates and opportunities to amplify these stores.
Put up a yard sign: Contact Alecia Jongeward or Michelle Uberuaga by calling the office at 406-222-0723 to request a yard sign!
3. Encourage others to join the movement and become a member of PCEC today!