Park County is moving forward with Ag and Residential Preservation Zoning District

Park County is moving forward with the Agriculture and Residential Preservation Zoning District.

Our three county commissioners unanimously voted Tuesday morning to move forward with a public process, which will include at least four public hearings later this summer. Learn more about the process here.

The district establishes a permitting process for all new commercial and industrial developments in the county (excluding cities and already-zoned areas). The new regulations were updated and improved based on comments from the community. In the new district, all agricultural and residential uses would be allowed and will not require permits.

PCEC strongly supports the Ag and Residential Preservation District, and we're going to make sure it's as strong as possible.

Now more than ever, we need local rules to help guide our future. We're facing new and old threats: a new proposed gravel pit in Paradise Valley; increasing development pressure in the foothills of the Crazy Mountains; and the ongoing threat of gold mining in Jardine.

Park County has no enforceable local rules to guide what kinds of development and industrial activities can take place in our community. This new rule would provide sensible guardrails and local control to new commercial and industrial developments.

Whether it’s gold mines or tire pits, local residents have spent decades fighting bad ideas that would harm our environment and a local economy that depends on tourism and agriculture, and a clean river.  We need a local tool to prevent the most irresponsible ideas from the start. 

The new draft incorporated years of public comment. We think it's greatly improved. We're excited about the draft and eager for our members to comment and encourage you to participate in the process!

Save the date for these upcoming meetings:

  • Planning Board public hearing on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 via ZOOM at 5:00pm, and;

  • Planning Board in-person public hearing at the Park County Fairgrounds on Thursday, July 21, 2022 at 5:00pm.

  • Commission public hearing on Tuesday, August 23 at 5:00pm via the County online platform, and;

  • Commission public hearing again on Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 5:00pm at the Park County Fairgrounds.

  • Written public comment will also be accepted until August 23.

Erica Lighthiser