PCEC Comments on Conflict Mitigation Zoning

You may have seen an article in the paper last week about the County Commissioners’ discussion on Conflict Mitigation. They are contemplating whether there needs to be a pause on Conflict Mitigation due to concerns about not being able to have face-to-face meetings (the planning board canceled the September meeting at the fairgrounds, on the advice of the Health Department, due to the increase in Covid cases). The Commissioners also have feedback on the regulation that suggests it needs more work.

The planning board will take up this topic in its meeting this Thursday, October 21st, which starts at 4:00 via Zoom.  We invite you to join this call if you wish to hear the discussion and/or speak to this topic. 

Here is the login information:

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84584194126

Call in: 1-312-626-6799/Meeting ID: 845 8419 4126,

PCEC submitted comments on the path forward today, and we will support the planning board’s decision, whatever they decide. You can read those comments here.

There are good reasons to take longer to get the Conflict Mitigation regulation right. With Covid unfortunately dragging out, the process of community engagement has been impacted, and we agree that the regulation can be improved upon.

In Community,


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