PSA: Grizzly bears out in Paradise Valley
Photo courtesy of Melanie Barrella Som
We're writing to alert you that grizzly bears are out in Paradise Valley. This morning, local residents shared that two subadult grizzlies are out along U.S. Highway 89 south of Emigrant, potentially near elk carcasses.
Seeing the two bears right near a place that we all call home is really exciting, but it also means that we have a responsibility to help protect these bears!
Please remember to secure and bring in any: bird feeder, trash cans, pet food or other potential food sources. Also, it’s a good reminder to get those root vegetables up and any apples off the ground.
A bear with no food reward will keep moving as they explore for more calories elsewhere.
Photo courtesy of Melanie Barrella Som
In recent years, grizzly bear death has skyrocketed, and this is a particularly dangerous time of year for grizzlies. This time of year tends to bring explorer bears, as they search out potential new food sources to fatten up before their winter’s nap.
In October 2018, two grizzly bears that gained a lot of local attention as orphans in Tom Miner were killed by state wildlife officials after they were near homes in Paradise Valley.
To learn more about grizzlies, please consider watching Save the Yellowstone Grizzly's recent film: The Beast of Our Time: Climate Change and Grizzly Bears.
We live and co-exist in the most beautiful valley – let’s all do our part to be bear aware and help the explorer bears keep moving.
P.S. Thanks to Brad Orsted, wildlife photographer and grizzly bear advocate extraordinaire, for sending out the bat signal to protect these bears!