Sign up to get a free tree today!

Livingston Loves Trees is looking for people to adopt, water and care for trees in their boulevards or public spaces near their home.

Interested? Just fill out this form, and the Tree Team will be in contact! The deadline to apply is the end of February.

The program is giving away free trees, seeking to add beauty to our town and grow and diversify Livingston’s urban forest. In exchange, tree recipients must agree to care for trees including following a schedule of watering.

The goal of the program, which began in 2022 with the planting of 65 trees, is to plant 1,000 trees over 10 years. Currently, Livingston has about 4,000 trees in boulevards, parks and other public spaces.

These trees provide shade, habitat for wildlife, a defense against invasive pests and climate change and even shelter from the wind.

In upcoming years, ash trees in Livingston are expected to be impacted by the emerald ash borer, an invasive beetle that is killing ash trees across the United States. Nearly half of Livingston’s public trees are ash trees, underscoring the importance of planting diverse species.

For 2023, Livingston Loves Trees will be planting maples, oaks, elms, lindens, honey locusts, flowering crabapples and Japanese tree lilacs.

Livingston Loves Trees is administered by the Park County Environmental Council. The program has been generously funded by local donors and a grant from the city of Livingston through funds from the American Rescue Plan Act to support tree planting.

To sign up, go to and fill out the “Adopt a Free Tree” form.
To be eligible, you must:
1) Reside in the City of Livingston;
2) Have adequate space for a tree in your boulevard or a public space in your neighborhood;
3) Commit to caring for and watering the tree with the recommended watering schedule.
4) Coordinate with Tree Team volunteers on a planting location, date, and the city permit process.

Livingston Loves Trees can’t guarantee that everyone who signs up this year will get a tree, but names will be saved for the next planting season.

There are many ways to support Livingston Loves Trees beyond adopting a tree. The group is always looking for volunteers to help plant trees and accepting donations to help fund the ambitious project. You can learn more about getting involved at

Community Conversation: Legislative Update with MEIC

Wednesday, February 8, noon

Zoom: Register here!

This is a very hectic legislative session and our partners at the Montana Environmental Information Center will update us on bills that will impact our work and local community regarding the Montana Constitution, open cut mining, land use and planning. 

MEIC will answer your questions about these bills and give us information on how and when to testify and make comments. Join us on Wednesday, February 8th at noon on Zoom. 

Register in advance here.

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