Crossroads: Give feedback on Housing, Active Transportation, Gardiner plans

HRDC and the Park County Housing Working Group are still seeking input on the draft Park County Housing Action Plan. You can view the plan here.

Led by HRDC and the Housing Working Group, and informed by the public, the goal of the Housing Action Plan is to define clear goals and objectives, strategies and policies, financing mechanisms, timeline for achievement, and recommendations for Park County's housing issue. The community-driven plan has 12 tools endorsed by the Working Group to help address the issue in Park County.

The deadline for comment  is Monday, Feb. 15. The Housing Working Group is asking people to read the plan and fill out a survey about the recommendations.

If you want to learn more about the plan, PCEC hosted three Community Conversations, and you can watch those here:

Plan Overview

Community Land Trusts

Short-term Rental Regulation

Take the survey here!

Photo courtesy of the National Park Service

Gardiner residents asking for input on draft Gardiner Neighborhood Plan

Please take a moment to read this letter from Gardiner residents on the plan.

If there were ever a town to call a gateway community, Gardiner is it.  It is the only year-round entrance to Yellowstone National Park.  Some call it scrappy, lively, or “nature’s favorite entrance.” 

Fewer than 1,000 of us call it home.

Like so much of southwest Montana, Gardiner is changing. In response to some of this change, Gardiner residents gathered three years ago to talk about how change looks, whether we could grow in a manner that would be beneficial to residents, businesses, and our natural setting.

This effort, started in May 2019 was called Successful Gardiner. Results from this community engagement process can be found – Community members were encouraged to participate and share how they feel about Gardiner – the good, the bad, the ugly.

Over the past couple of years, a few of us have taken the Successful Gardiner process a step further, developing a draft Neighborhood Plan. The draft is a land use plan that incorporates many of the goals and policies from the Successful Gardiner final report.

The plan, which is not a regulation in any way, talks about a variety of things our community cares about: Gardiner’s history; living in balance with nature; protecting our water quality; providing good streets, sidewalks, and trails; ensuring healthy Gardner and Yellowstone rivers; housing and more.

Like the title says, our hope is to plan for a successful future. The plan includes a roadmap of goals and strategies to help us get there.

Creation of the draft Gardiner Neighborhood Plan follows the Park County Growth Policy which recommends using “neighborhood and area planning to provide specific policy direction to specific areas that have unique issues.”  We believe Gardiner has some unique issues that warrant greater specificity found in a separate plan.

We write seeking your help. The Gardiner Neighborhood Plan is intended to be a community document, prepared and supported by the Gardiner community. There are a number of ways you can be involved. And if you live in the Gardiner community we really need you to be involved!

Three community meetings are scheduled for early March – two on Zoom and one in-person.


In-Person Community Meeting 

Gardiner School auditorium

Thursday, March 3

6 p.m. Social & Food

6:30-7:30 Meeting


Community Zooms

Wednesday, March 10

Noon -1 p.m.

6 p.m. - 7 p.m.

The purpose of these meetings is to get feedback on the draft plan. Is it a good idea? Are the goals in-line with what our community needs? Do the strategies hit the mark?  

We value and welcome your input! Make comments on the draft plan at scheduled meetings and/or here


Pat Baltzley

Lynn Chan

Colette Daigle-Berg

Sabina Strauss

Trails and Active Transportation Plan Update

Next week, the Livingston Planning Board will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 16 at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the draft Trails and Active Transportation Plan. The plan, which can be viewed here, is currently open for public feedback. The Livingston Parks and Trails Committee will also discuss this at their next meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 23 at 6 p.m.

Attend the Planning Board meeting to learn more! 

View the plan here!

Strategic Plan Working Group

The city of Livingston is seeking applications for members of an Ad Hoc committee to review the city’s values and goals when it comes to the city’s strategic plan. This document, which helps guide what the city does each year, is incredibly important. This is a great opportunity to help provide feedback to help ensure the city’s mission and values line up with its citizens.

Applications are open until Feb. 28. You can apply via this application. You can email the completed application to

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