Help Livingston create a more resilient community forest
Livingston Loves Trees is on a mission to cultivate a thriving urban community forest! We're seeking passionate residents to help us achieve this goal. There are three ways to support our urban forest.
Adopt a free tree to be planted by our amazing tree planting crew!
Fill out your application by February 28th to adopt a free tree for your boulevard, front yard, or a public space near your home. The Tree Team will be in touch to discuss planting, tree location, and ongoing tree care and watering requirements.
Become a "Livingston Loves Trees" neighborhood champion!
Volunteer with PCEC to help us with planting events and learn how to conduct basic tree health checks in your neighborhood. Sign up to be a PCEC volunteer today.
“Plant it forward” by donating to the Tree Fund!
Looking for a meaningful gift that will last for generations? Donate a tree in honor of someone you care about! We count on folks like you to help fund the purchasing, planting, and health check monitoring needed for trees. The Tree Fund is a dedicated account at PCEC, used exclusively for planting and caring for new trees. With a $750 donation, you can “plant it forward” and sponsor a tree and the costs of planting. A $1000 donation will fund the tree, planting and monitoring and health checks conducted over 5 years.
Livingston Loves Trees, a community partnership with the City of Livingston, has successfully planted and maintained hundreds of trees across the city. These trees enhance boulevards and public spaces by providing much-needed shade, windbreaks, stormwater management, while contributing significantly to our local environment, soil health and quality of life.
Nearly half of Livingston's public trees are an older ash variety, making them highly vulnerable to devastating emerald ash borer infestation. To enhance our urban forest's resilience, we're diversifying our tree species. We'll be planting over 100 trees again this year!
To be eligible for a free tree to be planted for you, you must:
Reside in the City of Livingston.
Have adequate space for a tree in your boulevard, front yard, or a public space in your neighborhood.
Commit to caring for and watering the tree with the recommended watering schedule for 3-5 years.
Coordinate with Tree Team volunteers on a planting location, date, and the city permit process.
Help monitor the health of your tree especially in spring and summer.
Remember, enhancing local habitat and connectivity is crucial for a thriving ecosystem. Planting native plants in your own yard, supporting diverse tree species in our urban forest, and selecting water-wise, drought-tolerant species for your landscape all contribute to creating vital habitat for pollinators, wildlife, and a healthier environment. We encourage you to create wild habitat in your gardens and lawns by incorporating native plants and minimizing the use of pesticides. Livingston Loves Bees too!
Montana Freshwater Partners (MFP) Native Plant Sale– Plant sale is now live on the MFP website! Don’t miss a fantastic opportunity to enhance your contribution to pollinator health and habitat in an affordable way. Also be sure to check out this Xerces Society resource to help decide what plants might be best for you, Native Plants for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects: Rocky Mountains Region.
For large scale conservation planting projects needing 100+ of one species or more, contact Jackie Pondilfino at the MSU Extension Office to ask about ordering from the Montana State DNRC Nursery.
Livingston Loves Trees is a community effort to conserve, restore, and build habitat even in urban space.
This is the perfect time of year to start planning how to grow wild, in 2025. Let's work together to cultivate a vibrant and sustainable urban community forest for Livingston!