Protect Our Communities – Oppose SB 146


We’re sharing an important legislative update. SB 146 is a dangerous “takings” bill that threatens our communities’ ability to plan for growth, protect property rights, and preserve our local environment.

Why SB 146 is Harmful:

  • It would jeopardize sensible planning, from growth policies and subdivision regulations, and future citizen-initiated zoning districts.

  • It allows out-of-state developers to build without regard for neighbors or community needs.

  • It removes protections for agriculture, fish and wildlife, water, and design standards—only regulations strictly tied to health and safety would remain.

  • It passed the Senate Judiciary Committee despite strong opposition from cities, counties, hunters, farmers, and residents.

Threat to Local Property Rights

SB 146 threatens to take away our rights to protect our own property by severely limiting the tools communities use—like proactive, thoughtful zoning. As one opponent put it, “this bill shows a reckless disregard … for the impacts development has on neighboring properties.”

In Park County, five citizen-initiated zoning districts were created by residents to help protect private property rights, rural character, and quality of life. SB 146 would dismantle these efforts, making it easier for unrestricted development with no local oversight.

Take Action Now!

SB 146 is moving quickly to a full Senate vote. We need you to email Park County’s Senator John Esp and other key Senators today and urge them to vote NO on SB 146.

John Esp –
Forrest Mandeville –
Bob Phalen –
Mike Yakawich –
Ellie Boldman –
Jason Ellsworth –
Bruce Gillespie –
Gregg Hunter –
Josh Kassmier –
Gayle Lammers –
Denley Loge –
Wendy McKamey –
Russ Tempel –
Shelley Vance –

This bill disregards responsible growth and threatens local community control. We must act now to defend our right to plan for thriving communities.

Thank you for speaking up!