Livingston Loves (101 more) Trees (and some upcoming events)!
There are 101 more trees in Livingston's boulevards and other public spaces today than there were two weeks ago, thanks to the efforts of Livingston Loves Trees.
Over the past two weeks, our crews of generous volunteers and AmeriCorps NCCC service members helped plant the maples, oaks, elms, lindens, honey locusts, flowering crabapples and Japanese tree lilacs. The planting took place in heat, wind, rain and cold.
Livingston Loves Trees has blossomed into an incredibly powerful program in its second year. In addition to diversifying the urban forest to help mitigate the potential impact of the Emerald Ash Borer, the program also helps provide shade, habitat for wildlife, defense against invasive pests and climate change, and even shelters from the wind.
Did you receive a free tree? Please take a photo and share it with us! And consider "planting it forward" and Support PCEC's Tree Fund so more of your neighbors can receive a free tree next year. Have empty space in your boulevard, public space in your neighborhood or in your front yard (if you do not have a boulevard) -- please sign up to be considered for a free tree next year!
Donate to the Tree Fund today!
This is just one of many recent wins in the community:
Livingston Bike Club put in a multi-use non-motorized 1.2 mile trail north of Interstate 90 northeast of Livingston above Meyers Lane on the bench -- the only single track and loop in and around Livingston. Additional sections for this trail are planned in the future and the county will be spraying for weeds.
We co-hosted a screening of Youth v. Gov with the Green Initiative and other groups. The screening raised more than $500 for a state-wide Youth Climate Summit this fall.